We've all grown up watching movies and TV shows glorifying college life. It's depicted as a big frat party with countless red solo cups, silly dares, and hookups. But this adaptation is far from the truth. Movies and TV shows set unrealistic expectations about undergraduate life, and most students think, 'This isn't how it's supposed to be, right?"

Let's bust some Hollywood myths about college life, aka the party life.

College Isn't a Big Frat Party

Most undergraduate students anticipate the party life of college. Cinema has made partying the highlight of going to college and rarely showcases students attending class. Even if they do, it is part of a plot where students are spewing drama. Usually, the studious kid is portrayed as the boring one who needs to have some fun and live a little. 

But in reality, college life is much more balanced. Obviously, there are parties, but not as many as you may imagine. Students attend college to get an education and not waste their time on less beneficial prospects. Most of your time as an undergrad will be spent in classes, studying for tests, doing assignments, and participating in extracurricular activities. 

Above all, it is your choice to give in to the pressure of 'being cool' and a 'party animal' or prioritize your education. You do not have to live your college years a certain way just to fit in. If you think a fun night is having take-out and chilling at home while watching a movie, suit yourself. You can always find people with similar interests and hobbies to hang out with. You do not have to become a party animal to enjoy college life.

You will also find meaningful friendships while strolling around the campus, working together on projects and group studies. Let go of the expectation of college life being an absolute bliss. There is academic pressure, lack of time and energy, financial instability, and uncertainty about the future. And it is this way for most students. Do not let unrealistic portrayal of an incredible college student in Hollywood jeopardize your education or leave you questioning why your college years aren't as fun as depicted in the movies. Always remember, reel and real life are poles apart. Films glorify and exaggerate experiences for cinematic effects and value. Movies don't define your reality. 

And if you're stuck in a rut, self-deprecating yourself and questioning what's wrong with you, then don't feel alone. Leslie, the co-author of The Unofficial Guide to Surviving College, also felt the same way as a college freshman. Grab your copy now from Amazon and take help from the lessons and insights from the book to make your college life fun and fruitful.